Frontend Developer specialized in Nuxt


Nuxt 3 is my go-to framework for building dynamic and visually appealing websites that combine functionality and aesthetic design.
My first contact with Nuxt dates back to 2018 when I migrated my craft beer e-commerce from Angular JS. I decided switching to Vue ecosystem due to its simplicity and the way that it enforces separation of concerns, resulting in a cleaner code. Nuxt was a no-brainer in order to overcome all the SEO problems and limitations that Angular JS had back then, as well as for its ability to generate static and SSR pages.
Since then I have been using Nuxt in my jobs and personal projects, building two different component libraries and doing a full site migration from an Express.js server and a Nuxt 2 frontend to a full Nuxt 3 site.


As a big advocate of Tailwind, I love its simplicity and its scalability. Said so, there are cases where a bunch of tailwind classes can make the code less clear and introduce a big cognitive load.
That’s where BEMIT shines, as it gives you an opinionated CSS structure where everything is easy to locate. BEMIT is an extension of BEM, where classes are named according to each function, ordered by specificity and following the atomic design principles—where Tailwind fits perfectly. This structure allows Nuxt projects to be more predictable and easier to navigate, scale and maintain while keeping the CSS bundle to its minimum size.

CMS and integrations

I started using Strapi in 2019, as I needed a headless CMS that I could customize and extend with new functionalities. Strapi was my choice for its reliability and ease of use. As it is based in Node, its integration with Nuxt projects is seamless, and features like webhooks and GraphQl make it a powerful tool for building e-commerce sites.
I have also worked with Storybook for building and showcasing component libraries and testing components in isolation. Finally, Stripe is my preferred solution for handling payments in e-commerce sites as it offers a wide range of payment providers and a simple and reliable API.

Freelance Services

Web Development

UX Design

Frontend Development



Integral approach to web development, starting from a a solid UX/UI research, identifying main user personas and their needs, and translating them into a visually appealing and intuitive website that provides an exceptional experience from the first click.
Design and coding go hand in hand with keywords research and SEO on-site structure optimizing content to rank for the main selected keywords and being easily discoverable and crawlable by search engines.
Proven experience on e-commerce development with my Nuxt based stack, payment gateways, CMS and warehouse integrations.

Digital Kit

We are digital agents within the Digital Kit initiative. Check here if you meet the requirements and we will help you with the process.